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Internet Access Order Form

The cost is for the duration of the show.

Please note floor rates increase if ordered day of load in/show if not purchased in advance. If you rent equipment please remember to return it after the show.

Wired products are provided on a "per event" basis. An "Event" is defined as 4 event days plus move in/out.

*If you are paying by check you must print this form and mail in with check payable to DeVos Place at least 7 days prior to the event load-in. Online forms can only be filled out for electronic payment. Please mail to DeVos Place, Attn. Katie Oquist, 303 N Monroe Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

Contact Information

Company Information

*For Canadian organizations only
Previous Vendor
I agree to the terms and conditions

Event Info

Hard Wired

Pre-Show Hard Wired Internet 1.5M Private WI-1


Pre-Show Wireless Internet Up to 3 Devices
Each wireless username is good for only one device, unless otherwise noted. Wireless password will be emailed.

**Note cost of services will increase if purchased day of event**

Please contact Katie Oquist at 616-742-6534 or koquist@asmgrandrapids.com with any questions or concerns regarding payment.
Please contact Regan Weeks at 616-742-6582 or rweeks@asmgrandrapids.com with any questions or concerns regarding technical questions.

Pay by credit card or check. For payment by CHECK complete this order form, print and mail to:
DeVos Place Internet Order
303 Monroe Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

By ordering the above services you agree to all attached services and conditions. You must check the agree box in order to submit your order.
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