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Mitten Kitten Mash-Up

Date: Oct 18 - Oct 20, 2024
Mitten Kittens and Grand Raggidy Roller Derby are proud to host the 11th annual Mitten Kitten Mash-Up women’s roller derby tournament. Featuring two divisional playoffs as well as junior and open-gender games, this annual celebration brings together Michigan roller derby teams for three days of thrilling action boasting over 300+ skaters, officials, and production staff and drawing hundreds of fans from derby leagues spanning both peninsulas.

This marks the first time Grand Raggidy Roller Derby will be hosting this annual tournament, and it's the largest derby event ever to be held in downtown Grand Rapids. Each day features two tracks of non-stop derby, with over 21 games in total. In addition to the games, we will have a vendor row with over 20 local vendors and raffle drawings to benefit our tournament charity, Sacred Beginnings.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit: mirollerderby.com.


Mitten Kitten Mash-Up
Oct 18 - Oct 20, 2024
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