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ADA Accessibility

DeVos Place
DeVos Place is fully compliant with the American with Disabilities Act. Information on accessibility can be found below.

DeVos Place is part of the Wheel the World family. Find our more on WheelTheWorold.com.

The Guest Services department at DeVos Place strives to provide excellent service to all our guests, including those guests with disabilities and special needs. DeVos Place recognizes the needs of persons with disabilities and has met or exceeded the requirements of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Michigan accessibility mandates. DeVos Place provides a full range of accommodations for guests with disabilities to ensure their safety, comfort and enjoyment of our events and facilities.

Guests needing special accommodations or services should make such a request at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the event to the ADA Coordinator at 616-742-6600.

DeVos Place is equipped with automatic doors for easy access. Concession stands, counters, and drinking fountains are at a convenient height for everyone.

Accessible Parking:
Accessible parking is available in the DeVos Place parking ramp located below DeVos Place with entrances on Michigan Street and Lyon Street. Parking lots and ramps surrounding DeVos Place also offer accessible parking. Please refer to the City of Grand Rapids Parking Guide for parking locations or contact The City of Grand Rapids Parking Services at 616-456-3290. To gain access to accessible parking, proper vehicle registration is required as well as a current disabled placard with a matching identification card.

Building Access:
The convention center is equipped with automatic doors for easy access. Concession stands, counters and drinking fountains are at a convenient height for everyone.

Elevators & Escalators:
Elevators are located in the east end of the Grand Gallery lobby, next to the Box Office in addition to the west end of the Grand Gallery lobby. An additional elevator is located near Ballroom A on the main floor / Chase Board Room on the top level.

There are two sets of escalators within the Grand Gallery located on the east and west ends.

Emergency Evacuation Policy:
DeVos Place personnel have been properly trained in emergency evacuation procedures to ensure the safe evacuation of all patrons, including those guests with ADA requirements, in the case of an emergency. Please pay careful attention to the personnel instructions should an evacuation situation arise.

First Aid:
Certified personnel from AMR are on site for every event. If you are in need of attention from AMR, please notify the nearest building staff member.

Service Animals:
Trained guide dogs, signal dogs, or service animals assisting guests with disabilities are permitted inside DeVos Place. Please identify such animals to security or any DeVos Place employee who requests.

The ADA Facilitator can be contacted at 616-742-6600. Requests for aid and service should be made at least (2) weeks prior to event. The ADA Facilitator may be unable to fill a request if made less than (2) weeks in advance.

DeVos Place is accessible by The Rapid public bus service and the DASH public bus. For more information about bus routes, please visit ridetherapid.org.

Wheelchairs are kept in the First Aid office for emergency use only. AMR or Security will operate wheelchairs in the case of an emergency. DeVos Place will have a limited number of wheelchairs on site at all times for guests to use as needed, based on availability. The DeVos Place security office will handle the distribution of all wheelchairs in conjunction with AMR and the Event Services staff. All users will be required to sign a wheelchair release form at time of check out.
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